While a majority of search engine users skip over the advertisements at the top of a search results page, the ones that do click on the ads view them to be more credible than the businesses in the organic listings, thus driving in potential clientele that is more serious about finding your services/products and purchasing them.

ven though SEO is the only way to move your website to the top of the search results, it can take weeks or even several months to begin taking affect depending on the age of your website. At Radix we understand that results are critical to the success of your business which is why we offer our clients top rated PPC advertising solutions.

Another advantage of pay per click advertising is that it allows to choose your website’s landing page, meaning you get to decide what the first page your visitors will see, which doesn’t always happen with organic search results. This is advantageous to your business because it generally leads to higher conversion rates which, in turn, creates more paying customers.
Radix Interactive will help your business get started with a Pay-Per-Click advertising and campaign management solution. We offer clients the opportunity to utilize Pay-Per-Click services for their website at their own discretion with the option to buy advertising on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Because we also appreciate the value of SEO, we can incorporate your PPC campaign and our SEO services into one affordable package. This can save you money while also helping to increase your bottom-line.